两款iPhone OCR软件评测


今天拿到两款 iPhone OCR 软件的 Redeem Code,下载试用,的确对于平时需要摘录文献学习的读者方便不少!但是遗憾的是两款目前皆不支持中文!

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

扫描测试的文字范本来自于 David Pogue 的著作 Mac OS X Leopard Edition,很不错的一本书

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

下面先来介绍第一款软件:Smart Scanner

这个和 IM+ 是同一个出处



两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

有趣的是,这个是自动帮你锁定目标,拍摄窗口自动出现黄色透明条锁定你要拍摄的文本,试验使用中感觉并不需要完全 match

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

按下拍摄后 3 秒后锁定画面,然后出来这个比较绚的界面,好似一个真的平板扫描仪,其实这已经是识别过程

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

下面是识别结果,首字母下沉可以被识别出来,至于文本获取方式也比较简单,目前提供两种,我这里也是发送 Email 测试

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

另外一个同类软件是:Perfect OCR: document scanner with high quality OCR


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

这款软件的体积略大,7.5Mb,软件使用界面友好,提供了帮助文件方便 newbie!

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

由于都是透过摄像头拍照操作,所以最好还是用 3GS

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测


两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

这里是识别结果,请注意,文献首字幕下沉的 W 并未被识别正确

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

识别完成后可以选择编辑,或者转发,如果此时选择 Done,会提示你文本可能丢失

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

选择发送后有多种形式可供选择,为了和下个软件比较,我选取了 Email 形式

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

收到邮件,1、是软件 Smart Scanner 发出;2、是 Perfect OCR: document scanner with high quality OCR 发出,可以看到他帮你拟定了邮件主题,文本是以附件形式提供;

两款 iPhone OCR 软件评测

软件 Smart Scanner 扫描结果

without a doubt, Mac OS X is a stunning technical achievement. In fact,
tech reviewers and experts call it the best personal-computer operating
system on earth. But beware its name.
The X is meant to be a Roman numeral, pronounced “ten.” Don’t say “oh
ess sex.”
You’ll get funny looks in public.
In any case, Mac OS X Leopard is the sixth major version of Apple’s
operating system. It is not, however, the Mac operating system that
saw Apple through
the 1980s and 1990s, the one that was finally retired when it was
called Mac OS 9.
Apple dumped that one in 2001; in Leopard, even fewer traces of it
Why did Apple throw out the operating system that made it famous to
begin with? Well,
through the years> as Apple piled new features onto a software
foundation originally
poured in 1984, the original foundation was beginning to creak.
Programmers and
customers complained of the “spaghetti code” that the Mac OS had become.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs, of course, believes in swift, decisive action
and letting the chips
fall where they may. In his view, starting from scratch—and
jettisoning the system
software the world had come to know—was the only way to go.

软件 Perfect OCR: document scanner with high quality OCR 扫描结果

ithout a doubt, Mac OS X is a stunning technical achievement. In fact, i
tech reviewers and experts call it the best personal-computer operatm
system on earth. But beware its name.

The X is meant to be a Roman numeral, pronotmced "ten.”Don’t say“oh ess sex.
You’ll get funny looks in public.‘In any case, Mac OS X Leopard is the sixth major version of App1e’s Unix-base
operating system. It is not, however, the Mac operating system that saw Apple throu
the 1980s and 1990s, the one that was iinally retired when it was called Mac OS 9
Apple dumped that one in 2001; in Leopard, even fewer traces of it remain.

Why did Apple throw out the operating system that made it famous to begin with? Well
through the years, as Apple piled new features onto a software foundation originall
poured in 1984, the original foundation was beginning to creak. Programmers an
customers complained of the“spaghetti code”that the Mac OS had become.

Apple CEO Steve Iobs, of course, believes in swift, decisive action and letting the chips
fall where they may. In his view, starting from scratch—and jettisoning the system
software the world had come to know———was the only way to go.



版权声明:本站原创文章,由 admin 2010-06-02发表,共计3083字。