文章 305
GUIDE How to shut down Cortana in Windows 10
To shut down Cortana in Windows 10 Pro simply type gped…
GUIDE Expand your Pi-Star SD card
1. Expand the file system if you have not done so alrea…
GUIDE What is the fastest way to view images from the terminal?
I have created a tool that uses various unicode block g…
GUIDE Raspberry Pi PIXEL UI install
The Raspbian + PIXEL image is available from the Downlo…
GUIDE How to rotate of RaspberryPi TFT display.
official info:…
GUIDE Customize reMarkable Screens
There are 3 pics for reMarkable Screens. In order to ge…
LINUX Raspbian Sources Change
下面有个列表,从树莓派实验室拿来的,大家随意取用: 中山大学 Raspbian http://mirror.s…